
Prima Taste Laksa La Mian: Review

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It’s not like everyday, I get 3 people telling me to review ‘Prima Taste Laksa La Mian‘ instant noodles. Laksa is a popular spicy noodle dish that originates in Singapore. When my friends told me to try this brand of instant noodle, I was a bit skeptical. I rarely eat instant noodles, so I had to see it to believe it…or in this case, taste it to believe it.

I found these at T&T on sale for around $2.60 each. Inside the package, it contains the block of noodle, laksa paste, and powdered coconut. Apparently, there is no MSG and tastes quite authentic.

Besides Laksa flavour, there is Chilli Crab flavour and Curry. I think those 3 flavours are only available in Canada. They also have a fish soup version, but I haven’t seen it in stores.


I picked up some bean sprouts and tofu puffs to enhance the taste and add texture. It’s also suggested on the back of the package to add eggs, seafood, chicken, tofu puffs or bean sprouts.


I followed the instructions in the back and it takes about 7+ minutes to cook. It does have a longer cooking time, but its worth it. I made two portions for dinner.


After it finished cooking, it was time to put it into the bowls to eat. It had a good balance of spiciness and tasted very rich. I was surprised at the flavour of the soup and it was good! You get the dominant flavours of dried shrimp and coconut. I did find it a bit salty, so you can easily adjust that by adding in more water when cooking.

They are also rated by the Ramen Rater as their favourite instant noodle year after year. No wonder some T&T location have sold out of these noodles. Everyone loves them.

Diana started Foodology in 2010 because she just eats out everyday! She started a food blog to share her love of food with the world! She lives in Vancouver, BC and adores the diversity of food around her. She will go crazy for churros and lattes.

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