
Cap’n Crunch’s Cotton Candy Crunch Cereal: Review

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Earler this year, we bought a lot of cereal from the United States and we’re still in the middle of eating it all. One of those cereals is Cap’n Crunch’s Cotton Candy Crunch Cereal.

We are fans of the original Cap’n Crunch, so we were curious how they would be able to incorporate the cotton candy element into this cereal. We generally love the original cereals more, but we are always curious, so we must try.

Where do you find them?

I found them at Walmart.com for $3 USD for a large box.

What’s inside?

You will find 326g of Cap’n Crunch’s Cotton Candy Crunch Cereal.

Taste Test

The shape of the cereal are round balls rather than the golden rectangular pillows of the original Cap’n Crunch. We also noticed the very strong sweet cotton candy aroma coming from the box.

Can we mixed in the milk and ate it all, the cereal doesn’t have a strong cotton candy taste. It’s mostly the smell. It’s pretty frightening as a cereal as it’s artificially coloured and has artificial flavourings as well.

It’s not a cereal for everyone, but it’s fun to try. This would make a better dry snack than a cereal.

Nutrition Facts

Final Thoughts

Overall, it’s a fun cereal, but it still doesn’t compel me to buy this again. We will skip this and stick with the original Cap’n Crunch.

Diana started Foodology in 2010 because she just eats out everyday! She started a food blog to share her love of food with the world! She lives in Vancouver, BC and adores the diversity of food around her. She will go crazy for churros and lattes.

1 Comment

  1. Serve as a topping w plain Greek yogurt 😊 That’s what I do for cereals I don’t like as much because I won’t eat as much w the protein-rich Greek yogurt 😊

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