Gift Guide

Science World: Gifts that give back this Holiday

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Did you know that Science World is a non-profit organization? It supports teachers, students, and families all over the province with outreach programs and online learning. This holiday season you can support Science World while shopping for those you love (and like), with over 250 products online and even more in-store at the Kaleidoscope shop under the geodesic dome.

Check out all the amazing products at

Get or gift a membership

The dome is safely open every day of the week from 10 am to 5 pm and comes with amazing benefits like early access on the weekend and during school breaks. Membership for an individual is $130, a couple for $170, or $225 for a family of four. The perfect holiday gift for you or someone else. Either way, you’re supporting an important non-profit organization! It’s the gift that keeps on giving…all year long. 


We’re raising funds so Science World can continue to ignite wonder and empower dreams through science and nature. Because now, more than ever, the world needs more nerds! Donate today, from yourself or on behalf of someone else, and get a tax receipt at

Buy the swag 

Take a sleigh ride into the holiday shopping season with Science World’s gift guide! These thoughtfully curated selections from the Science Store will feed your curiosities about the world of science and help you and your loved ones find new interests and rediscover the wonder in old hobbies this holiday season and all year long. You can search by ages or by categories, here.

Diana started Foodology in 2010 because she just eats out everyday! She started a food blog to share her love of food with the world! She lives in Vancouver, BC and adores the diversity of food around her. She will go crazy for churros and lattes.

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