Four Beakers

Cafe Medina: Lineups + Delicious Lunch

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CanuckGirl gets off early sometimes, so I take advantage of it and eat delicious lunches without feeling lonely! I have to admit, I do quite often eat lunch alone and it can be mighty depressing. CanuckGirl loves Cafe Medina and they have a reputation of delicious eats…especially brunch!

I’ve been doing quite a few revisits lately, but every visit is special to me and it’s a good way to see how consistant restaurants are with their quality. Also, it’s good to note if something changes.

Whenever I see Matcha Latte (12oz – $4.25) on a menu, I must have it. I honestly did not like their matcha latte. I found it very gritty and made me want to grab some water. I have pretty high standard for matcha lattes ever since I’ve been to Sajin’s Green Tea House. Once you go to Sajin’s nothing else can really compare.

Best to stick with the Lavender latte instead when you are here.

They ran out of  a few things on the menu, so CanuckGirl ordered the Saumon Fume ($12).  It is served on a toasted open faced ciabatta bread with a fried egg, smoked salmon, caper cream cheese, avocados, and arugula. You don’t need to put these together like a sandwich, it’s best eaten separately with a knife and fork.

The best part is really the runny yolk. It’s always fun to pop it and smother it all over everything!

I felt very very meaty today, so I got the Les Boulettes ($14). The meatballs are made out of spicy moroccan lamb and beef. It’s actually not that spicy. In the sauce, there is roasted vegetables! to complement the meaty side of the dish, they also serve you with hummus and grilled foccacia. The taste of the meatballs were very nice, but I felt like I needed some rice to go with this. Perhaps that just my asian self craving rice. It was still a filling dish with exotic flavours.

Overall, the food at Cafe Medina is quite consistant. Even the line ups are consistant. I wouldn’t be embarrassed to bring anyone here. Great food and great atmosphere!

Words of Wisdom:

  • 2 hours free parking at Tinsel Town (I know its for patrons…but FREE parking! I break rules)
  • Waffles and lavender lattes are popular
  • Best to go in 2s for quick seating

We rated Cafe Media:

Check out their website:


556 Beatty St
Vancouver, BC

Cafe Medina on Urbanspoon


Diana started Foodology in 2010 because she just eats out everyday! She started a food blog to share her love of food with the world! She lives in Vancouver, BC and adores the diversity of food around her. She will go crazy for churros and lattes.

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