
Culture Tastic brings the taste of Okanagan to Vancouver

Pinterest LinkedIn Tumblr (EGV) takes a new hybrid approach to interactive cooking classes on Saturday, May 28, 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This time, we are bringing the taste of Okanagan to Vancouver by inviting Chef Alessa Valdez of Phantom Creek Estates to cook for us live from Richmond, BC. Four guests will be on location while other participants will join online. The concept was conceived to allow liked-minded people to interact, learn a new skill, and share interest safely – apart, yet together. 

“We support the idea that the virtual cooking event allows interaction without limitation on location, age, or race. More importantly, it is a medium to promote culture, understanding, and inclusivity through cooking, similar to the values of Trail Appliances,” says Cara Kampff, Senior Brand Manager at Trail Appliances Ltd. “We are excited to welcome Chef Valdez to test out some of our appliances,” she adds. 

What the EGV platform strives to achieve is the interaction between the chef and participants through live communication. For instance, the chef can review the progress of the participants and give live feedback. The participants can also type their questions and comments on Chat, or simply ask the chef “face to face”. It makes a big difference than to watch a cooking video on YouTube! 

Chef Alessa Valdez is going to demonstrate two seasonal dishes for us, including spot prawn crudo and spring risotto. The wine director, Graham Macdonald, will travel to Vancouver to talk about wine pairing. 

New in 2022, EGV will feature Culture Tastic, a series of five themed episodes. Starting from the end of January with Yunnan cuisine celebrating Lunar New Year, kids’ baking in March during spring break, taste of Japan in April, west coast cuisine and wine pairing in May to the much-anticipated Indigenous cuisine in June. This episode will be a hybrid event with the chef cooking at Trail Appliances Richmond showroom with participants at the location or online (Provincial health guidelines strictly followed). 

The event raises funds for local charity Richmond Cares Richmond Gives. The class size is kept small at 12 to offer an exclusive experience. EGV will send an ingredients box to each of the participants/families, with condiments measured. The public can participate by preparing their own ingredients and watch on the website and Facebook Live, photos and videos can be shared on the website and social media. 

For more information: 

Diana started Foodology in 2010 because she just eats out everyday! She started a food blog to share her love of food with the world! She lives in Vancouver, BC and adores the diversity of food around her. She will go crazy for churros and lattes.

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