
Take Back Lunch at Triple O’s With the New ‘Triple OOO’ Lunch Blocker

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 For 25 years, Triple O’s, White Spot’s premium quick service restaurant brand, has been a favourite lunch spot for 100% fresh Canadian beef burgers, fresh-cut Kennebec fries, hand-scooped milkshakes, and its Secret Triple “O”™ Sauce. Today, the B.C.-based brand is taking its passion for delicious mid-day meals one step further with the launch of The Triple OOO’s Lunch Blocker, a fun and interactive way to remind people to take back their lunch break and carve out an unbookable block in their calendar to spend time OOO (Out of the Office). Consider it a daily hard stop for work and a hard start for finding more balance in your life.

It’s no secret that in our new world of hybrid work we’re spending more time than ever in front of our computers, whether we’re at home or in the office. However, a new Maru Public Opinion survey undertaken for Triple O’s of British Columbians who work primarily from a desk, shows unhealthy work habits may be more deep-seated than previously thought. The poll found that 79 per cent of respondents eat lunch at their desk, with little improvement in recent years, and nearly half (47 per cent) reported their efforts to find a healthy work-life balance were equally challenged before the pandemic as they are currently. Of those surveyed who work through their lunches, nearly one-third (29 per cent) wish they had a designated time away from their desk to eat lunch.

The science on taking breaks from work is unequivocal: evidence shows that breaks lead to higher productivity, greater job satisfaction, more balanced mental health, and a boost to employee engagement. With early afternoon being a natural time to eat, lunch is the most fitting opportunity for people to take their longest break of the workday.  

Cue Triple O’s to the rescue. “We’re big on lunch,” says Cathy Tostenson, Vice President of Marketing for Triple O’s. “It’s important to be able to take a timeout for yourself — everyone deserves it. With the Lunch Blocker, we’re providing a fun and easy way to set aside that time to visit your local Triple O’s and enjoy your favourite burgers, fries and shakes.” launches online today. Book your OOO Hour now — click the link, add your lunch appointments straight into your Outlook or Google calendar, and invite colleagues or friends to join you. 

“Our lives are only getting busier,” adds Kate Roland, Creative Director from Triple O’s partner agency, One Twenty Three West. “And our lunch hours are increasingly getting booked over for things like meetings. The Lunch Blocker sends a message: the world might be changing, but lunch is non-negotiable.”

To celebrate the launch of Lunch Blocker, Triple O’s will be giving away $100 Triple O’s gift cards to 10 of their social media followers to help them take back their lunch hour with their coworkers this Fall. To enter to win, starting on November 9 and running until November 16, followers of @tripleosrestaurant must like the Lunch Blocker contest post on Instagram or Facebook and tag a friend who needs to take a lunch break. Followers can also share the Lunch Blocker video to their Instagram Story or Facebook profile for bonus contest entries.

Diana started Foodology in 2010 because she just eats out everyday! She started a food blog to share her love of food with the world! She lives in Vancouver, BC and adores the diversity of food around her. She will go crazy for churros and lattes.

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