



I got a Tassimo T20 last year at Wal-Mart when it was on sale. A year later, I probably have only used it less than a dozen times. It is a single-serve brewing system that makes coffee or tea with a touch of a button. Really good if you want to make a hot drink at home without thinking too much. Like most people, we aren’t really awake until we have our daily dose of caffeine.

This model is the cheapest of all the other Tassimo models. It retails for about $79.


Tetley Pure Green tea pods was what caught my eye at the grocery store. I’ve only had tea made with pre-packed tea bags or loose leaf. I thought this would be interesting to try out. This pack came with 14 pods and cost about $8.


The tea tasted just fine and I like how I didn’t have to wait for boiling water to get a cup of tea started. I am a tea guzzling machine, so I could go through a lot of cups of tea a day. The pods are definitely expensive at a little bit over $0.50 a cup. The tea bags are much cheaper.

The Tassimo has a decent amount of tea varieties developed. There is Chai Tea Latte, camomile, black iced tea, orange pekoe, Earl Grey, Peppermint, and peach iced tea.


Another item I picked up at the store is the Gevalia Kaffe Caramel Macchiato. It has 8 disc of the caramel espresso and 8 discs of sweet milk, so you only get 8 cups of coffee for $12.99.


I put the milk disc in first and then the caramel espresso disc.


A short while later, the caramel macchiato is done. It obviously does not compare to the ones you can get at Starbucks, but I liked the frothiness of the milk. I wish I had a clear cup to show you the different layers. My only complain with this flavour is that it was a tad sweet, but thats just a personal preference since I usually don’t take my coffee with a lot of sugar.

Website: https://www.tassimo.ca/en/