
pepsi co



I love drinking tea. I probably consume at least 5 cups of tea a day. When a package of Pure Leaf Iced Tea arrived in the mail, I was quite curious to see how I would enjoy it. I am quite picky with tea.

Pure Leaf just launched in Canada offering 3 different flavours – Lemon, Raspberry and unsweetened. Pepsi Co and Lipton are the creators behind the brand. What makes Pure Leaf stand out is that they claim to be the only bottle iced tea in Canada that is brewed with real tea leaves.


One by one, M and I tried them all and they did have a strong tea taste to each one. We tried the lemon flavour first and it was a sure hit! It wasn’t too sweet, which is great because with some other brands, it can be.

After drinking the lemon, switching to the unsweetened made it taste so boring. You notice the big change in taste. Unsweetened is good if you are accustomed to drinking straight tea. The second time around when I had the unsweetened first, I enjoyed it. But, that’s just me since I don’t like to add sugar to my drinks.

In the States, they have a lot more flavours – Sweetened Iced Tea, Extra Sweet Iced Tea, Peach Iced Tea, and Honey Green Tea.
