



Every year when it’s Spot Prawn season, my family and I go out to grab a few pounds of these tasty little critters. These are best known for their sweet, delicate flavour and firm texture.

You can tell they are Spot Prawns by their white stripes and white dots. The prices have increased this year close to $17 per pound. I remember a few years ago, they were $11 per pound.

For our family, we usually get around 1 – 4 pounds. Depending on the time of the season that you get them, they can have a range of tiny ones to gigantic ones. We usually go to T&T to buy them because it’s convenient and most of them are still alive when you buy them. You just need to ask them where the spot prawns are sourced from because it can be from BC, or it can be from the States.


The way we usually prepare them is just boiling them in water. Then serve with a spicy pepper infused soy sauce. It’s as simple as that. You can probably still find Spot Prawns now but it isn’t the peak of the season, so you should be looking at around $18-$20 per pound.

How did you find the 2014 Spot Prawn season?