
La Taqueria Tweet Up Event

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La Taqueria had their first Tweet Up event! Since it was near work and  at a perfect time, I decided to check out the Tweet Up. Tweet Ups are fairly new to me, so this was the first Tweet Up event I have ever been to …EVER.

For the tweet up, they were giving everyone Horchata (or-CHAH-tah), which is a traditional Mexican rice beverage. It is very refreshing, sweet,  milky, nutty, and had a nice cinnamon taste.

If you have ever had the Taco Bell Cinnamon Twist, it taste like that but in a beverage form.

The tweet up started pretty slowly. It was probably 1 hour into the event and 7 people were there actively tweeting. Even though it was pretty low turn out, I had a great time talk to the people there and knowing a bit more about them. Most of the action happened near the bar. All of us squeezed into the bar and had a great time.

We then began playing Loteria, which is the Mexican equivalent to bingo. Each person starts off with their own board with pictures on it and markers. Every time a card is flipped from a deck, you remove the marker off the corresponding picture. You have to pay attention to the card that is flipped because there is no repeating what card was flipped. The first person that clears their board wins! We played 3 fun rounds of this game!

It was hard to pay attention to this game because it was really hard to tweet and focusing on playing. One thing we learned from this is that ‘La Corona’ mean Crown.

Round 1 winner: @space_cadet00 – she won $30 Gift Certificate

Round 2 winner: @floyvr – She won a La Taqueria Hat

Round 3 winner: @conner_g – He won a La Taqueria T-Shirt

For the losers + winners, we all got Mexican candy and a La Taqueria Hat. (Except for @FloYVR since she already won a hat)

Photo Credit: @FloYVR

Here were the ladies at the Tweet up – @space_cadet00, @floyvr, @arianecdesign & @kathygko

In picture 2, @FloYVR was clearly too busy tweeting

Photo Credit: @FloYVR

In this photo – @arianecdesign and @richardwolak / @vanfoodster

Photo Credit: @FloYVR

@604homesguy and @space_cadet00 eating up some Derrricious tacos!

Photo Credit: @FloYVR

@FloYVR and I sharing some tacos!

Overall, it was a slow tweet up but I really did have a great time and meeting the people in the twitterverse! I felt totally normal snapping away at pictures and looking at my phone. It is really the only time where it is socially acceptable to be twittering infront of people..and yet talking to them at the same time.

I shall be back for more Tweet Up events in the near future!


322 W Hastings
Vancouver, BC



Diana started Foodology in 2010 because she just eats out everyday! She started a food blog to share her love of food with the world! She lives in Vancouver, BC and adores the diversity of food around her. She will go crazy for churros and lattes.


  1. Great description of the event, and explanation of the game! 🙂 I’m still impressed by the quality of photos the iPhone can produce… looking forward to our next tweetup!

  2. Haha looked like fun! Shame I couldn’t stay for the good parts but it was great to meet you!

  3. DesignGirl Reply

    @Flo The photos should of been slightly better if I took my camera out of my bag but still good!

    @Mimi You should go to the next one! It’s at FreshBowls next Thursday!

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